Linux Just released a brand new operating system for desktop user Name as Elementry os 6 Odin today we are going to download and install it properly as I said it is a Linux product and it’s totally based on Ubuntu LTS
What benefit do we get in Elementry os 6 Odin?
Elementry os is series that is especially targeting the desktop user. Linux released it so that normal compute users who use windows and mac os can able to try it out. its look a bit similar to mac os and even like the play store here you get an App Centre to download and install any kind of software as I told you it’s a Linux product so that means you got a high level of security even and the best part of it is that you can run easily it on your slow computer
Download Link Here
- Elementary os 6 Odin
- Rufus
- VMWARE Workstation-Virual Environment