Windows 11 22H2 Released! All Latest Features Install Widnows 11 2022 ISO FIle Downlaod From Here!


Windows 11 22H2 Released! All Latest Features Install Windows 11 2022 ISO FIle Download From Here!
As of Monday, September 20th, Microsoft has started pushing out the Windows 11 2022 Update (also known as Windows 11 version 22H2) to general consumers in more than 190 countries. Microsoft’s Windows 11 22H2 is the first major upgrade to the original Windows 11 release from last year.

The countdown to the end of Windows 11 22H2’s extended support began on Tuesday. This release will be supported for 36 months for Enterprise and Education edition customers, and 24 months for Home and Pro users.

Microsoft will roll out this Windows upgrade in stages, as it has in previous years.

First, the “Seekers” who wish to install it manually through Windows Update will receive it, and then the computers that are least likely to have compatibility difficulties will get it.

What follows is some further information on Windows 11 22H2 and what to anticipate in the way of future Windows updates.

The final release version is numbered 22621 at this time. Possible value: 22621.521 (based on a user who says he got it preinstalled on a new Dell PC). Perhaps it’s 22621.382 instead. After I inquired about Microsoft, a representative simply said, “As the team works to prepare for a worldwide rollout beginning on September 20, the final build number is subject to change. It is for this reason that we are withholding the final build number.” Update: Users who are downloading manually have reported a build number of 22621.521.

It’s not clear who can receive the Windows 11 22H2 upgrade.

Officials at Microsoft have stated that 22H2 will still be a free update for users of Windows 10 and Windows 11 on hardware that meets the minimal requirements.

Windows 11 22H2: When Will It Be Available on Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), the Volume Licensing Service Center, and MSDN?

Microsoft is being coy about when exactly these maintenance techniques will be implemented, but if they follow the same pattern as previous Windows releases, it might be as soon as today.

If we’re going to talk about Windows 10, then we need to know where and what Windows 10 22H2 is.!

There hasn’t been much spoken about Windows 10 22H2 by Microsoft, despite the fact that it now serves as the operating system of choice for the vast majority of PC users worldwide and not Windows 11. Even though the yearly Windows 10 22H2 feature update is scheduled for October, Microsoft has always refused to reveal what new capabilities would be added. Because it will likely be distributed as a tiny, straightforward enablement package, users of the most recent versions of Windows 10 should anticipate it to install quickly and with no disruption. Windows 10 will continue to get security upgrades from Microsoft until October 14, 2025, the company has confirmed.

Finally, the answer is yes, you may still upgrade to Windows 10 at no cost.

To what extent have the minimum and recommended hardware and software configurations for Windows 11 shifted with the 22H2 release?

Basically, not much at all. Since last year, Microsoft has not decreased the minimum CPU/TPU requirements for supported devices. An important change is that now both Windows 11 Home and Windows 11 Pro users must be online and logged in with a Microsoft Account before installing the 22H2 upgrade. In other words, Microsoft has not yet removed the current loophole that allows users with PCs that don’t satisfy the CPU/TPU limit to install Windows 11 on those devices, with the caveat that such systems are not officially “supported” by Microsoft.

Is it expected that Windows 11 22H2 would be made available as an enablement package, making it a quick and easy upgrade for current users of Windows 11?

However, despite my expectations, this is not the case. Windows 11 22H2 will be a complete installation, as opposed to the enablement-package method that Microsoft has taken with its previous Windows 10 feature upgrades. Microsoft declined to answer when I questioned why this was not an enabling package. The taskbar, according to several of my connections, may be to blame. Some have speculated that the regular updates to Windows 11 outside of the yearly feature release might be to blame.

While Microsoft has worked to lower the size and installation time of its yearly and monthly feature upgrades, the 22H2 update is still expected to take up to 90 minutes for download and installation and another 20 minutes to complete the installation, according to the company’s own workers.

Where can I find out about Windows 11 22H2?

There are a few new security additions, a greater emphasis on productivity, and enhanced management tools for corporate users in Windows 11 22H2. It boasts improved voice-control features, a revamped Windows Store, and redesigned Snap and Focus layouts. Additionally, there are now over 20,000 Android apps and games accessible on the Amazon Appstore Preview, which enables Windows 11 users to access Android apps. See Ed Bott’s post on ZDNET on Windows 11 22H2 for a complete rundown of the updates. Liam Tung’s piece on Windows 11 22H2 security features provides further detail on new additions like Smart App Control and Defender Smart Screen.

Is there anything you can tell me about Tabbed File Explorer? Didn’t it get delayed till Windows 11 22H3?

At first glance, Tabbed File Explorer seemed destined for inclusion in Windows 11 22H2, but it appears to have missed the internal deadline. Tabbed File Explorer, according to Microsoft, will be released in two parts: a preview in October as part of the non-security update prereleases, and a full release on November’s Patch Tuesday security update.

Can you tell me what else is going to be updated in October/November?

Yes, Windows 11 22H2 users will get changes to the Photos app, Suggested Actions for copying phone numbers, future dates, etc., Taskbar Overflow, and the ability to share with additional devices using Nearby Share, in addition to Tabbed File Explorer. Officials from Microsoft stated in February that they planned to provide features in addition to the yearly Windows Feature Update through Security Updates and the Microsoft Store. The official term for these kinds of feature upgrades released outside of the yearly Feature Update is “continuous innovation.”

When Microsoft thinks it’s time to send out new features to consumers, what if I don’t want them?

Windows 11 Enterprise and Education customers with organization-managed devices, as well as Windows Pro users who are members of a domain, now have greater say over the timing of these upgrades. By default, Enterprise and Education users will receive these feature upgrades. Group Policy/Mobile Device Management policies can be put up by administrators to enable users to activate these functions collectively (not individually). Microsoft has promised to announce the release dates of these updates and offer documentation about them in advance. These enhancements will become operational at the time of the subsequent yearly release.

An update: However, there is one important caveat. This set of capabilities will not be disabled by default for Enterprise/Education users since Microsoft has opted to include the feature drop rolling out in November (with Tabbed File Explorer) as part of the 22H2 upgrade rather than as a separate entity. The default setting will activate these options. Microsoft plans to return to its previously announced strategy after that.

Officials have stated that they want to keep sending out these interim updates whenever they are available, in addition to releasing a major upgrade to Windows 11 once a year, perhaps in the fall or second part of the year.

So, what’s up with Windows 12? Does it really arrive in 2024, as has been speculated?

In a press conference last week, Microsoft stated that it intends to continue releasing updates to Windows 11 every year and that an every-three-year major release is not in the works at this moment. Windows Marketing Director Aaron Woodman shared with us: “Within the company, I haven’t heard anyone mentioning a three-year cycle. We plan to keep releasing Windows 11 upgrades annually.”

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