Windows secret features that no one knows


Windows secret features that no one knows

Windows secret features that no one knows will be now disclosed. Discover Windows 10’s secret and hidden features to improve your computer experience. The most recent operating system from Microsoft has several undiscovered features that might improve productivity and workflow. The secret features and keyboard shortcuts we’ll look at in this post will help you grasp Windows 10 like a pro.


Secret Feature 1: GodMode: Unleash Your Computer’s Full Potential

Windows secret features that no one knows
Windows secret features that no one knows

With GodMode, a unique menu that gathers multiple options into one location, you may unlock the full potential of Windows 10. You may quickly access device management, administrative tools, internet choices, and more by turning on GodMode. Say goodbye to the inconvenience of using the Control Panel. To activate this sophisticated control panel, just make a new folder and label it “GodMode.ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C”.


Secret Feature 2: Virtual Desktop (Task View): Organize Your Workspaces

Windows secret features that no one knows
Windows secret features that no one knows

Use the Virtual Desktop function to take control of your multitasking. You can create and switch between virtual desktops with a single click or keyboard shortcut, allowing you to group similar programs or windows together. Get rid of the mess to increase concentration and productivity.


Secret Feature 3: Scroll Inactive Windows: Effortlessly Navigate Multiple Windows

Utilize the Scroll Inactive Windows functionality to streamline your process. A window no longer has to be activated before scrolling inside of it. You may quickly and easily scroll among inactive windows by turning on this function, which will save you time and cut out extra steps.


Secret Feature 4: Play Xbox One Games On Your Windows 10 PC: Game Anywhere

Windows secret features that no one knows
Windows secret features that no one knows

Play Xbox One games on your Windows 10 PC at your convenience. You can play your favorite Xbox games without having to be close to your console by turning on game streaming and connecting your console to your computer. Play games anywhere on your household network for convenience and freedom.


Secret Feature 5: Boost Your Efficiency with Keyboard Shortcuts

Utilize keyboard shortcuts to speed up routine operations and increase productivity. The new shortcuts in Windows 10 let you activate Task View, move windows between monitors, switch between virtual desktops, and more. Put these shortcuts to use in your regular tasks to save time and use your operating system with ease.


Secret Feature 6: Windows Sandbox: A Secure Testing Environment

Windows 10 comes with a built-in capability called Windows Sandbox that enables you to safely test and execute suspicious applications or files without having any negative effects on your computer. Any changes or updates made inside the sandbox are separated and deleted when you close it, enabling you to execute potentially risky applications in a virtualized environment. By adding an additional layer of security, this feature guards against any damage to your system and contents.


Secret Feature 7: Quick Assist: Remote Troubleshooting Made Easy

Have a remote assistance need or wish to help someone? With the help of Windows 10’s Quick Assist function, you may connect to another Windows 10 device remotely and offer or receive support. With the use of Quick Assist, you may control and watch another person’s screen, send files, troubleshoot problems, and give step-by-step instructions all without the use of external software. It’s an easy way to collaborate or seek technical assistance from close friends, relatives, or co-workers.


Secret Feature 8: Night Light: Reduce Eye Strain and Improve Sleep

The Night Light feature in Windows 10 may decrease eye strain and improve the quality of your sleep if you frequently work into the night. During the evening and midnight hours, Night Light applies a warmer color temperature to your display, lowering the quantity of blue light emitted by your screen. This modification may decrease the pressure on your eyes and possibly reduce the effects of blue light exposure on your sleep patterns.


Secret Feature 9: Focus Assist: Minimize Distractions

The Focus Assist function in Windows 10 can reduce distractions when you need to focus or stay focused. You may work without interruptions by customizing notifications and temporarily disabling alerts. Focus Assist can be manually activated when necessary or scheduled for use at predetermined intervals, promoting a more productive and uninterrupted work environment.


Secret Feature 10: Storage Sense: Optimize Disk Space

It might be annoying to run out of disc space, but Windows 10’s Storage Sense feature makes it easier to effectively manage and optimize your storage. By deleting temporary files, clearing your recycle bin, and removing superfluous items from your Downloads folder, it automatically makes space available. Your system storage will remain clear and optimized if you customize the parameters and even configure it to run automatically.


Secret Feature 11: Quick Search and Calculator in Start Menu

Windows secret features that no one knows
Windows secret features that no one knows

Use the quick search and calculator features of the Windows 10 Start Menu to your advantage. Any relevant apps, files, settings, or even web results will be displayed by Windows just by putting something into the Start Menu search bar. Moreover, you may quickly calculate in the Start Menu search bar, saving time and removing the requirement for a separate calculator application.



There are many secret features in Windows 10 that can increase productivity and simplify computer use. You can fully utilize Windows 10 and perform like a pro by using GodMode, Virtual Desktops, Scroll Inactive Windows, Xbox game streaming, and keyboard shortcuts. Take advantage of these overlooked opportunities to streamline your workflow and boost the effectiveness of every day to stay ahead.

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