YouTube for TV has the latest sound for its start-up and may even be posting comments


The big screen changes as the show plays

If you’re using YouTube YouTube app for your large TV You may have noticed some modifications in the last few days including a brand new animation and sound that plays when the app is launched and also the option to show comments in conjunction with what you’re watching.

The audio is authentic and YouTube has provided a lot of detail on the sound in the form of a blog post(opens in a new tab). A sound that was “vibrant, engaging and easily recognizable” was necessary to be a part of the video, so YouTube sought the help of the sonic branding studio Antfood to ensure that the perfect audio clip.

According to YouTube the video’s three second duration changes through “rich, pitch-bending tones that signify the irresistible gravitational pull of YouTube” to a major chord in the 7th that “represents the way YouTube allows you to explore the things you really love” – and also the animation and sound are expected to be featured in more YouTube applications over time.

While watching videos, you have the option of displaying comments on the right. It could be helpful when you are watching videos that contain lots of discussion beneath the video that you would like to look over, however you’ll still need to open up the mobile app in case you’d like to respond to comments or even add your own.

So far, YouTube hasn’t acknowledged that the comment feature is currently in test, but it’s evident for some users there. The question is whether or not it becomes available to everyone who uses YouTube on a television remains to be determined.

Analyzing: keep an eye on YouTube

The majority of changes made to YouTube and similar apps are designed to keep users at the app for longer. This, in turn, increases engagement and revenue from advertising. These latest updates may not be a huge deal however they can be significant.

The Netflix initial animation and sound is popular it is the reason the every year Netflix Content showcase has been named in honor of it. YouTube is hoping to see that their own opening clip(opens in a new tab) will be as familiar to its viewers and will soon become as well-known as its iconic logo.

Commenting on the video will add more value to the overall experience because it’s where the majority of discussions and debate about the content of a video takes place. In some videos, the comments are as engaging as the content.

It’s important to note that comments can be turned off and off, at the very least according to our tests You won’t be required to read the comments even if you don’t wish to. We’ll have to wait to find out what YouTube will say about this switch in the future at the time of.

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